I wrote an article called “Reflections on Whiteness: Integrating Upward Bound in the 1960s” and published it in Schools: Studies in Education 21:2(Fall 2024). Thanks to editor Andy Kaplan for his support. Here’s the abstract: Upward Bound (UB), created in 1965 to provide educational enrichment for low-income youths, had to be racially integrated. In 1966, […]
Institutional Racism and the Morrill Act
I was recently on a panel at the University YWCA in Champaign called “Institutional Racism 101.” This is part of a series the YW presents that provides participants a “racial justice certificate” when the series concludes. Gia Lewis-Smallwood organizes the series. Kudos to her and the Y! I was pleased to meet a whole new […]